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anna axisa and the family working at their raised garden beds as featured in homegrown hea
The book is full of family stories and my personal journey too!

About the Axisa Family

learn more about us and our journey

Our family is Anna and Peter Axisa, together with our two beautiful, energetic daughters Lacey and Elke. We live on a 10-acre mountainside in the Manning Valley, NSW Australia. In 2014, years of manifestation rewarded us with a steep- sloped, overgrown property with no infrastructure or services. Others thought we were crazy to take on such a seemingly impossible site and we agreed that with not much money or experience behind us, it certainly would not be easy. At the end of the day, it was the only affordable option, and we quickly decided we were up for the challenge. Our shared vision was to transform the property into a regenerative permaculture paradise and forge a self-reliant future for our family.

We had dreamed of living and working on the land but were looking for a sign to point us in the right direction. Then we got it! I came across an online advertisement for a small, rundown, compost worm operation for sale. A persuasive proposal landed us some investment and we purchased the business. The flow-on effect from that moment is still unbelievable to us, and to most who hear our story.


Neither Peter nor I had any prior experience in vermiculture (worm-farming), only the desire to work in harmony with nature and what we thought we knew about living on the land. The adventure had begun, and worms quickly became our passion. 


There is something humbling about going without.

Axisa family with baby cow and chickens on their homestead.jpg

We camped out under a tarp for months while we worked on the new worm enterprise, until a suitable site was excavated, and a shed finally constructed. Solar shower bags, dug-out toilets, lights run off old car batteries and ice-filled eskies became our everyday reality. The family ‘rewilded’ together and developed a love for a back to basics, life of voluntary simplicity. 


In 2016, at the age of 26, I was diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune disease – but this certainly has not deterred us from moving forward and continuing to achieve our dreams. We have adopted a ‘food as medicine’ approach to our lives and are grateful to the worms for producing fertile, organic soil to grow nutrient-dense food. We strive to live regeneratively, based on the foundational ethics of earth, people and future care, guided by the principles of permaculture.

How I Can Help

support your journey toward self-sufficiency

Think of this space as your very own seasonal garden bed full of juicy treats, wholesome tid-bits and nourishing options designed to give you the support you need to become self-sufficient on your own homestead, or get the most out of the garden space and produce options you have available.

Recipes for eating and preserving

​With my recipes I encourage you to discover how a food-as-medicine approach can support your health. Browse some of my foundational recipes that have been a pillar of support during my transition to good health.

Tips for gardening, permaculture and homesteading

Living by nature has been one of the most life-changing developments of my journey. Nature isn't just a 'place you go', finding a balance between ourselves and the land we inhabit creates a relationship full of rewards.

Health, wellness and community building opportunities

We cannot 'pour from an empty cup'. The stresses of modern-day life mean we need to work to be aware of the importance of filling our cups - after which we can then 'give from the overflow'. Let's grow together.

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